Sunday, March 29, 2015

Google Apps for Education

My district has started a Google Apps for Education initiative this year, and I'd like to share some of our experiences thus far with you.

In my opinion, Google Apps for Education gives students easy access to "the basics":  Word processing, presentation creation, spread sheets, and even not so basic applications, such as form creation.  When combined with Chromebooks, a district can create a cost effective and efficient way to integrate these applications into the classroom.  While older generations may be reluctant to switch over (students seem to have no problems switching between MS Word and Google Docs), there are ways to frame professional development so that teachers not only see the benefits of these applications, but learn how to use them at the same time.

When creating PD opportunities around GAFE, (Google Apps for Education), I have found that it's important to highlight the pedagogical skills behind utilizing these apps.  For example, instead of simply having a workshop on Google Docs, one could host a workshop entitled, "Student Collaboration Using Google Docs" or "Giving Feedback using Google Docs".  These types of workshops not only instruct teachers on how to use these applications, but also highlight teaching pedagogy and how to apply the applications to the classroom.  When updating the tools we use, it is important to update the pedagogy that goes along with it.  When I provide workshops on Google applications, I always stress their most compelling feature.

Google Apps encourage collaboration.  That is their innate strength, a quality that comes up time and time again across teaching standards.  With these apps, students can work together, in real time, on different devices.  I once had my entire 4th grade class create a Google Slides presentation about technology.  Sure, there was a bit of a learning curve (Who clicked apply all to the background slides?!) but luckily most of these apps come with a built in revision history where one can go and see what changes have taken place, and go back to an earlier version if necessary.

Google Doc Add-Ons
Another advantage of using GAFE is that student work is not only saved automatically, but is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.  Goodbye flashdrives and emailing documents to oneself.  GAFE also allows independent developers to create add-ons that can enhance its different applications.  Google Sheets (Where Google Form data is collected), has some great add-ons, such as Flubaroo and Super Quiz, that automatically sort and grade data collected in the sheet.

One of my favorite Google Apps is the new Google Classroom.  Using this app, I can send out assignments to students, and the Doc (or any file) they turn in all gets neatly collected in a folder that is synced to my Google Drive.  An ELA teacher, for example, can now take home essays digitally, and grade them with voice comments using the Kaizena add-on.  There are countless ways to use these applications in the classroom, and many teachers are jumping on board.  Let's take a look at some survey data regarding the use of GAFE in and out of the classroom.

What is your current or anticipated role in the school system?

Have you used Google Apps in your personal or professional life?

Have you used Google Apps for Education in a school setting?

If yes to either, how have you used them?

I've used the majority of the Google Apps in my freetime. I use Google Docs the most. I've used Docs and Slides in my classroom.
Gave students assessment and surveys using forms
I have used them to collaboratively develop lesson plans with colleagues, as well as a tool for collecting information through the use of surveys, like the ones we have created for this course.
docs, calendar, forms, all help me stay organized. Our school doesn't have reliable internet and kids don't have access at home so using to enhance learning is unfortunately very difficult.
I have a class website that I made using Google sites. My students create their own Google sites for my class and share the link with me. This is where they contain all of their work in my class which makes grading easy. Students use Google docs on a daily basis. They also use Slides in my class as well.
I used Google Docs a lot with my students for sharing documents, collaborating, and revising documents.

What have you used Google Forms for?

To create a survey583.3%
To create an assessment for students350%
Daily exit tickets00%
For an event sign up116.7%
My students make them to gather data116.7%

Do you utilize Google Sheet Add-ons to analyze form data?


If yes, which do you use?

Google Analytics116.7%

As you can see, educators are jumping on board and coming up with many different ways to utilize these applications in and out of the classroom. From the classic word document, to creating websites, Google Apps for Education allows students of all abilities to create, collaborate, and practice essential skills for their present, and future.


  1. This was a wonderful, well organized and visually interesting post, Jacqueline. I hadn't ever heard of Google Apps for Education before this, and this was a fantastic primer on it! You obviously are very passionate and knowledgeable about what you do! <3

  2. This was a wonderful, well organized and visually interesting post, Jacqueline. I hadn't ever heard of Google Apps for Education before this, and this was a fantastic primer on it! You obviously are very passionate and knowledgeable about what you do! <3

  3. Very nice utilization of the tools within Google Apps.

    Apart from that, I really like the engaging images that are on your blog posts. The wordle for example really captures what it takes to make an engaging post. It really made me want to read every single word in there.

    One of the most useful points I pulled from here is emphasizing the pedagogical skills during PD for GAfE. I think that is often overlooked as we want people to start using the tools, but we really need to teach teachers how to think about how they can enhance learning with these tools.

    Great Post Jacquie!

  4. I agree with Jonathan...very visually appealing, and you know what you are talking about! :)
